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[대학수업][교환학생] Composition - Cause and Effect

샤프펜슬s 2022. 12. 22. 21:16

0. Cause and Effect 에세이에 관한 설명

 Cause and Effect 에세이는 Composition 수업의 마지막 작문 과제로 Classification 에세이 다음으로 진행되었습니다. Cause and Effect는 하나의 주제에서 원인 혹은 결과를 선택한 후 나열하는 글쓰기 방법입니다. 가령 '지구온난화'라는 주제가 있다고 했을 때, (1) 화석연료의 사용량 및 채굴량 증가, 무분별하게 버려지는 쓰레기 등 '원인'을 중심으로 기술하거나 (2) 해수면 상승, 사막화 등 '결과'를 중심으로 기술할 수 있습니다. Cause and Effect 에세이는 그 특성상 객관적이고 정확한 근거를 요구하므로 일반적으로 기사나 서적 등의 상대적으로 객관적인 정보를 인용하는 경우가 많습니다. 참고문헌은 일반적으로 MLA방식을 따릅니다.




1. 주제 선정

 저는 Cause and Effect 에세이 작성을 앞두고 하나의 주제를 골랐습니다. 주제가 너무 어려울 경우 영어 문장을 작성하는데만 온힘을 쏟게 되어 결국 온전히 주제에 집중할 수 없다고 생각했습니다. 그래서 상대적으로 쉬운 주제를 골라서 에세이를 작성했습니다. 제가 고른 주제는 아래와 같습니다. 


(1) 독서가 어린이에게 주는 효과




2. 개요 작성

 Cause and Effect 에세이를 위한 개요는 이전의 Classification, Compare and Contrast 에세이 때와 비슷한 양식으로 작성되었습니다.



(예시1) (내가 작성한 개요) Three Effects for Children to Read Books

- Attention:
Today, almost children get used to short or summarized contents, so they usually watching video instead of reading books.

- Thesis: Reading books can give child many advantages, so children ought to read many books.

- give brief opinion: There are three effects for children to read books: Manage stress, improve vocabulary, and improve their cognitive function.


<Body Paragraph>

Body Paragraph 1: Reading books good for children’s mental health.
- Detail: Children can manage stress while they read some book.

Body Paragraph 2: Reading books can help children Learning English.
- Detail: if children read books, they will learn various vocabulary in books.

Body Paragraph 3: Reading books improve brain health.
- Detail: Cognitive function will be able to be improved when children are reading books.


- Restate:
In conclusion, there are three effects for children when they are reading books: for mental health, for learning English, and for brain health.
- Final Sentence: Reading books usually suggested to children, but it is very helpful to all people not only children but also adults.




3. 에세이 작성

 아래의 예시는 Composition 수업에서 작성한 에세이입니다. 다른 에세이와 같이 완성까지 약 한 달 가량의 시간이 소모되었습니다. Cause and Effect 에세이를 완성했을 때는 학기가 끝날 때 즈음이었기 때문에 문법을 교정받지 못했습니다. 따라서 발견하지 못한 문법 오류가 남아있을 가능성이 높으므로 반드시 게시물 내 모든 과제물은 참고용으로만 사용하실 것을 권고드립니다. 이번 에세이를 작성할 때는 서적이나 기사 등을 인용하여 글을 작성했습니다. 참고문헌은 위에서 언급했듯 MLA 방식을 이용하여 표기하였습니다.



(예시1) Cause and Effect Essay


Three Effects for Children to Read Books

 Today, almost children get used to short or summarized contents, so they usually watching videos such as Youtube instead of reading books. (Rideout, 8) According to study, researched by “Common Sense Media”, numerous young people who watch online videos have doubled than before four years. However, spending video contents bring negative effects to them which is not only psychological problems but also physical problems. Therefore, all children need to read books to reduce negative effects by watching videos and to improve positive effects. There are three positive effects for children to read books: Mental health, Learning languages, and Brain health.


 The first positive effect of reading books is enhancing children’s mental health. Stress is harmful to mental health, especially children. It possibly leads children to many problems throughout such as insomnia and anxiety. However, if children read books, they are able to reduce their stress level effectively. (Lewis, 1). According to the study, conducted by University of Sussex in 2009 showed that participants’ stress level was reduced by 68% after read books for six minutes. In addition, children are able to deal with their depression appropriately by it. If they read books concentratedly, children can escape in their problem temporarily. It must be helpful to them to see the problems what they have objectively which make them depressed. Therefore, symptoms of depression can be alleviated by finding the cause of the depression. In briefs, reading book can make children to manage their mental health.


 The second positive effect of reading books is making better children’s language ability. If children read books, they come across many vocabularies which they are unfamiliar with. Hence, books encourage children who read it to find words they didn’t know, so that they try to find some vocabularies themselves. Therefore, they are able to learn a lots of new words while they try to understand stories in the book. Besides, children can learn how to write sentences. There are many kinds of sentence in one book. If children read it, they realize not only how they use words appropriately, but also how to write correct sentences grammatically even they have never seen a kind of sentences in the textbook. For example, ‘Wait’ll you see the main attraction.’ Is a common sentence in America, but children can’t find this in the textbook. Thus, books help children to acquire natural knowledge of their language through reading.


 The Last positive effect of reading books is improving children’s brain health. Reading books is great brain exercise. Children ought to remember what characters in the book did before, understand why they had to do it, and predict what will they do, while children are reading a story in the book. Likewise, children empathize character’s emotion, behavior, and mind in the books. Therefore, reading books helps children’s brain exercise. Furthermore, reading books helps children to enhance their cognitive ability. If children read books, they ought to understand context, remember detail, and predict at the same time. As a result, children’s cognitive abilities are improved by brain stimulus. (Wylie, 15) Following the study, researched by Ministry of Education, Students who enjoyed reading had higher scores on the cognitive, social, and attitudinal competencies than others who didn’t enjoyed reading. Accordingly, children’s brain health is able to be healthy by reading books.


 In conclusion, reading books have three positive effects on children. First, reading books affects children’s mental health positively. Second, it helps children to acquire their languages faster. Lastly, it can enhance children’s brain health. Children needs high concentration and patience when they read something because it usually takes a long time. Hence it makes children to dislike reading books. Nonetheless, children have to do it even they become an adult. What children read will be property, and it will help them to live in their life.