전문지식 함양/교환학생

[교환학생] 영어 작문 연습1 - 9월 25일 일기

샤프펜슬s 2022. 10. 2. 09:34

0. 들어가며

 9월 9일 TALK TIME : A Taste Of THE NATIONS 이벤트에서 어느 할아버지 한 분께 이메일 주소와 전화번호를 받은 적이 있습니다. 본래 저였다면 받은 이메일 주소로 연락을 넣지 않았을 테지만, 비싼 돈을 주고 미국에 와서 공부하는 이상 현지인에게 도움을 받을 시간이 많아져야 한다고 생각했습니다. 그래서 오랜 고민 끝에 먼저 이메일을 보냈고, 그 만남은 지금까지 이어지고 있습니다.

 Larry는 제게 영어로 하루 일과를 쓰는 연습을 해보는 게 어떻겠냐고 제안했습니다. 한국어를 영어로 번역하는 방식의 글짓기(및 말하기)는 한계가 명확하니, 그 대신 영어로 생각하고 자주 사용하는 습관을 들인다면 영어 실력도 금방 늘 수 있을 것이라고 말이죠. 저는 그 제안을 받아들였습니다.

 이 블로그는 제 결과물을 뽐내기 위한 장소가 아닌, 공부하고 기억하기 위한 장소입니다. 그래서 제가 쓴 영어일기와 Larry가 수정해준 일기를 적고, 무엇이 부족했는지를 스스로 고민해보는 게시물을 업로드해볼까 합니다.




1. 본문

Weekly diary (origin paragraph)

 Last Sunday, 25th September, I went to the Walmart because I wanted to buy some green onion for cook. After I arrived at Walmart, I try to find it, but I didn’t find that. Interested thing when I asked nearby clerk is that anyone has not big green onion. In Korea, green onions have different name according to size. Small one called ‘실파[silpa]’ which means ‘very thin green onion like thread’ and big one called ‘대파[depa]’ which means ‘big green onion’. small green onion usually uses to make some sauce with soy sauce, and big green onion uses to make soup or other dishes. Thus, I bought some leeks instead of green onion because I heard that leek could replace big green onion.

 After I go back to residence, I ate leek a little to know is it replace to big green onion. Green one that top of the leek tasted bad. However, White one that bottom of the leek tasted like green onion but sweeter, so I decided to use ingredients of my dishes. When I finished cooking using pork, leek, soy sauce and other ingredients, It was already 10p.m. I was satisfied with this cooking since it was very delicious.


Weekly diary (revised paragraph)

 Last Sunday, September 25th, I went to Walmart because I wanted to buy some green onions for cooking. After I arrived at Walmart, I tried to find green onions, but I didn’t find them. An interesting thing happened when I asked a nearby clerk if they had any big green onions. In Korea, green onions have different names according to size. Small one called ‘실파[silpa]’ which means ‘very thin green onion like string’ and big one called ‘대파[depa]’ which means ‘big green onion’. Small green onions are usually used to make some sauce with soy sauce, and big green onion are used to make soup or other dishes. Thus, I bought some leeks instead of big green onions because I heard that leeks could replace big green onions.

 After I arrived back to residence, I tasted the leeks to know if it could replace the big green onions. The green top of the leek tasted bad. However, the white bottom of the leek tasted like green onions but sweeter, so I decided to use leeks with the other ingredients of my dishes. When I finished cooking using pork, leeks, soy sauce and other ingredients, It was already 10p.m. I was satisfied with this cooking since it was very delicious.




2. 반성할 점

- 과거시점을 설명하는 일기임에도 과거시제와 현재시제를 혼용하였다.

- 복수형을 적절하게 사용하지 못했다.