전문지식 함양/교환학생

[교환학생] 영어 작문 연습3 - 10월 8일 일기

샤프펜슬s 2022. 10. 12. 14:57

1. 본문

Weekly diary (origin paragraph)

 Last Saturday, October 8th, I went to Bruce M. Pitman Center to join the Vandal Gaming Convention (VGC) at 11 o’clock. VGC is one of biggest game festivals in Moscow, and it was held until midnight. There were numerous game consoles in there such as not only Famicom also Virtual Reality (VR) machine, and we could play these for free. I like video games, so this event made me exciting. In addition, VGC provided pizza and juice to participant for free. I thought that this event was literary heaven for gamers because all of people in VGC enjoyed various games with food and juice. In there, I played many games with other participant until 10pm.

 In this event, I knew that many people love video games like me. All of people in VGC were passionate about video games. Some people brought their PC or own game consoles such as playstation to play their games with other people which they like. It was very impressive to me because I never tried to share with others anything which I like. Other impressive thing in VGC was that playing various game consoles. I played only computer games in Korea because game consoles were very expensive to me. However, when I experienced other game consoles in the event, I realized that I have to buy these for my gaming life.



Weekly diary October 8, 2022 (revised paragraph)

 Last Saturday, October 8th, I went to Bruce M. Pitman Center to join the Vandal Gaming Convention (VGC) at 11 AM. VGC is one of biggest game festivals in Moscow, and it lasted until midnight. There were numerous game consoles in there such as Famicom, Virtual Reality (VR), and Xbox. We could play these for free. I like video games, so this event made me exciting. In addition, VGC provided pizza and juice to participants for free. I thought that this event was literally heaven for gamers because all of people in VGC enjoyed various games with food and juice. In there, I played many games with other participants until 10 PM.

 In this event, I know that many people love video games like I do. All of the people in VGC were passionate about video games. Some people brought their PC or own game consoles such as play station to play their games with other people which they liked. It was very impressive to me because in the past, I never played with others in any game which I liked. Other impressive things in VGC was getting to playing on various game consoles for free. I played only computer games in Korea because game consoles were very expensive to me. However, when I experienced other game consoles in this event, I realized that I have to buy these for my gaming life.




2. 반성할 점

- such as, not only ~ but also 문을 잘못 사용했다