0. Classification 에세이에 관한 설명
Classification 에세이는 Compare and Contrast 에세이 다음으로 진행된 세 번째 작문 과제였습니다. Classification는 하나의 대주제를 정한 뒤 이와 관련된 세부 주제들을 설명하는 글쓰기 방법입니다. 예컨대 'weather'이라는 대주제가 있다면 'snow', 'rainy', 'sunny' 등으로 세분화하여 각각의 세부 주제를 설명합니다. Compare and Contrast는 두 대상의 차이점을 명확하게 기술하는데 초점이 맞춰진 반면, Classification은 하나의 대주제와 관련된 각 세부 주제들이 지닌 특징을 상세하게 밝힌다는 점에서 두 글쓰기 방식은 전혀 다르다고 볼 수 있습니다.
(예시1) Classification 글쓰기 예시 - 스마트폰
(Introduction) 기술의 발전은 소형화된 컴퓨터인 '스마트폰'의 등장을 촉진하였다. 다양한 기능이 탑재된 스마트폰은 오늘날 현대인들의 필수품이 되었다. 스마트폰은 크게 갤럭시와 아이폰으로 나눌 수 있다.
(First Body Paragraph) 갤럭시 시리즈는 삼성에서 제작한 스마트폰이다...(갤럭시의 특징)
(Second Body Paragraph) 아이폰 시리즈는 애플에서 제작한 스마트폰이다...(아이폰의 특징)
Composition 교수님께서는 저희가 Classification이 무엇인지 감을 잡을 수 있도록 한문단 분량의 짧은 글쓰기 과제를 자주 내주시고는 하셨습니다. 지금부터 제가 작성했던 글 몇 개를 Classification 예시로 보여드리겠습니다. 물론 문법적으로나 글의 구성면에서 많이 부족한 글이기는 하지만, 여러분들이 Classification을 이해하는 데는 큰 도움이 될 수 있으리라 생각합니다.
(예시2) Classification : Three Kinds of Social Media
<Introduction> : How many people did you contact yesterday? Appearance of social media makes us contact all day on online, so that we can connect to others anywhere and anytime. Social media can be classified in three brands: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
<First Body Paragraph> : First, Twitter is focused on topic. People should write only 140 letters in Twitter, so they don’t speak enough. However, Twitter always notices some hashtags to their users which many people used at the moment. Thus, they will know that what the main topic is on Twitter.
<Second Body Paragraph> : Second, Facebook is like bulletin board. Facebook enable users to post various kinds of information such as sentences, pictures, and videos. In addition, people check other posts which are posted by their friends easily like bulletin board. Nevertheless, recently, Facebook users have decreased by Instagram.
<Third Body Paragraph> : Third, Instagram is simple. You will find many pictures when you are doing Instagram. Because much information is represented by pictures or short videos instead of sentences, so you can figure out what they said immediately. Based on its simplification, influence of the Instagram spread quickly.
<Conclusion> : Consequently, three kinds of social media are Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. If you use social media appropriately, it will strengthen your relationship to others regardless of place they live. Yet, if not, it will make you fatigue whole your life.
(예시3) Classification : Three Kinds of Teacher
<Introduction> : From elementary school to high school or university, people meet various types of teachers in their life. These types usually are decided by teachers’ character and their own perspective of education. Teachers can be classified in three types: Strict, Friendly, and Indifferent.
<First Body Paragraph> : First, strict teachers focus on restriction of students’ behavior. They think that freedom is harmful to students, so they educate importance of group than personal. In addition, they always forcefully advice or rebuke to their student because they believe that teacher have to lead students to sincere.
<Second Body Paragraph> : Second, friendly teachers communicate with their students. Unlike strict teachers, friendly teachers usually focus on school life of student to find worry or problems they have. Thus, they always listen carefully what students are talking about. However, sometimes, friendly teachers are strict rather than strict teachers when they evaluate students.
<Third Body Paragraph> : Lastly, indifferent teachers don’t think anything about students except their students make some serious troubles. They provide only minimize things to students they have to do. Their behavior comes from their character that consider own job security not students’ future.
<Conclusion> : In brief, three kinds of teachers people usually met were strict teachers, friendly teachers, and indifferent teachers. The most common type of teacher is friendly, but you also can meet other types of teachers. Nevertheless, regardless of types of teachers, if you try to study or participate many events held in school sincerely, you will learn many things to them.
(예시4) Classification : Three Kinds of Weather
<Introduction> : Weather is a kind of natural phenomenon mainly affected by condition of atmosphere. In the past, most people believed that the weather is controlled by the god. However, today, no one think like that because scientists solved many mysteries about weather. Weathers can be classified in three types: sunny, rainy, and hailing.
<First Body Paragraph> : First, sunny is warm weather. When the weather is sunny, People can be in bright and warm sunshine just go outside because of clear sky. Thus, many people prefer ‘sunny’ rather than others. In addition, this weather helps plants to grow. All of plants get nutrition by photosynthesis, so they always need sunshine.
<Second Body Paragraph> : Second, rainy is needed to animals and plants. When the weather is rainy, Water drops fall from the sky, it usually call ‘raindrop’. Raindrops has gathered in the river or underground water, so they are used by animals and plants as drinkable water.
<Third Body Paragraph> : Lastly, hail is dangerous to everyone. When the weather is hailing, hail, such an ice ball, falls on the ground. it can make holes on plants’ leaves and destroy peoples’ property even kill people.
<Conclusion> : In conclusion, three kinds of weather are sunny, rainy, and hailing. All kinds of weather have either positive and negative, and human can’t control weathers perfectly. Therefore, people have to absorb positive effect of weather and make methods to reduce negative effect of.
위 예시들을 읽어보면 Introduction 부분에서 항상 공통적으로 등장하는 문장이 있습니다. 그것은 바로 "(Topic) can be classified in three types : (topic1), (topic2), and (topic3)"입니다. 솔직히 말씀드리면 이 부분은 Classification 에세이를 작성할 때 큰 어려움을 겪지 않도록 교수님께서 정해주신 양식이었습니다. Classification 에세이의 본질을 지키면서도 서론과 본론을 부드럽게 연결해주는 역할을 맡아주었습니다.
1. 주제 선정
저는 Classification 에세이 작성을 앞두고 두 개의 주제를 구상했습니다.
(1) 언어의 특징 : 영어와 한국어, 중국어를 중심으로.
(2) 모스코 안에서 채소를 구입하는 곳 : 월마트, 윈코, 파머스 마켓을 중심으로.
처음에 저는 (1)번 주제로 에세이를 작성하려고 했습니다. 그러나 막상 개요를 작성하려고 하니 제가 언어의 특징을 자신 있게 서술할 수 있을 만큼 아는 바가 많지 않다는 사실을 깨달았습니다. 그래서 (1)번 주제 대신 상대적으로 더 쉽고 간단한 (2)번 주제를 선정했습니다.
2. 개요 작성
Classification 에세이를 작성할 때는 Compare and Contrast때와 마찬가지로 개요를 완벽하게 세워두시는 편을 추천드립니. 저의 경우에는 Conclusion 부분을 미처 작성하지 못했는데, 개요 작성 도중에 곧바로 에세이를 써야 한다는 교수님의 말씀 때문이었습니다. 특이하게도 Classification 개요에는 Compare and Contrast의 Body Paragraph 대신 Category와 Fact, Details, examples, and explanations로 나뉘어 있었습니다. 이는 Classification에서는 한 세부 주제의 특징을 자세하게 써야 하기 때문입니다. 저는 Category의 경우 한 세부 주제의 특징을 요약했으며, Fact, Detail, examples, and explanations에서는 세부 주제의 특징을 어떻게 자세히 설명할지 뼈대만 잡았습니다
(예시1) (내가 작성한 개요) Classification : Three places which you buy vegetables in Moscow: Walmart, Winco, and The Farmers Market
Topic Sentences (Introduction): Supermarket in Moscow can be classified in three ways: Walmart, Winco and Farmers market. Each supermarkets have distinctive trait, so people can choose supermarket according to their own standard.
<Body Paragraph>
Category 1: Walmart has most various products in Moscow.
Fact, Details, examples, and explanations: Walmart is very famous supermarket in the United States. In there, People can buy various products, but vegetables and fruits are not fresh.
Category 2: Winco is cheapest supermarket in Moscow.
Fact, Details, examples, and explanations: Winco is employee-owned company in the United States. They offer numerous products less than Walmart, but they have low-price advantage.
Category 3: Farmers market sell fresh vegetables and fruit in Moscow.
Fact, Details, examples, and explanations: Farmers Market is local market in Moscow, Idaho. Producers sell their produce to consumers directly. It is more expensive than other market, but they provide fresh crop.
3. 에세이 작성
아래의 예시는 제가 Composition 수업 때 작성했던 에세이입니다. 이 역시 다른 에세이처럼 문법 검사 및 완성까지 약 한 달 남짓한 시간이 걸렸습니다. 그럼에도 이 영작문 안에는 아직까지 드러나지 않은 오류가 남아있을 가능성이 있습니다. 항상 드리는 말씀이지만 게시물 내 모든 과제물은 참고용으로만 사용하실 것을 강력히 권고드립니다.
저는 일반적으로 아래 예시처럼 보고서의 출처를 표시할 때 주로 각주를 많이 사용합니다. 하지만 Composition 교수님께서는 에세이를 작성할 때 MLA방식의 내주를 사용해야 한다고 조언해주셨습니다. 다음 에세이에서는 다른 연구자료를 많이 인용해야 하는 Cause and Effect 에세이이므로 MLA 내주를 어떻게 사용했는지 확인하실 수 있습니다. 그럼 Composition 수업의 마지막 과제인 Cause and Effect 에세이에서 뵙겠습니다.
(예시1) Classification Essay
Three Places You Can Buy Vegetables in Moscow
All people want to eat various, cheap, and fresh food. In the past, people ate some food grew in their local area, but globalization and a market economy have brought numerous crops on our tables. In addition, wholesale and retail were distributed vegetables and fruits to people effectively. Thus, today, people can find crops in supermarkets. In Moscow, needless to say, people use supermarkets too when they want to buy food. Supermarket in Moscow can be classified in three ways: Walmart, Winco and Farmers market. Each supermarket has distinctive traits, so people choose supermarket according to their own standard.
Walmart is the best method if you want to buy various products. It is the most famous retail shop in the world, so perhaps people can visit them if they want to go. Furthermore, they have various products to sell to their consumers. It means that people visit Walmart to buy not only vegetables and fruits but also other products such as appliance. However, it would be hard to buy some fresh produce. People can find rotten vegetables easily if you visit Walmart. Actually, Walmart was evaluated badly by consumers in grocery store survey for its produce quality. 1
Winco is the cheapest supermarket in Moscow. It offers a lot of produce more cheaply and fresher. Thus, buying some vegetables and fruits in Winco is great if you don’t need various products. Nonetheless, some people suffer from them because of their policy. They only accept debit cards and cash, not credit cards when people pay. Nevertheless, Winco is a very popular supermarket in Moscow, and people are willing to follow their policy because people prefer lower prices rather than comfort.
The Farmers Market always sells fresh vegetables and fruits in Moscow. In the Farmers Market, people can buy crops by producers directly who produce their crops. Furthermore, all produce is very fresh because farmers harvested them at most one week ago to sell. Hence, many people who want to get some fresh food usually visit the Farmers Market. Notwithstanding, sometimes, crops in Farmers Market have different sizes and high prices. Besides, Farmers Market focuses on vegetables and foods, so you may not find products you want.
In conclusion, three places that people can buy vegetables and fruits in Moscow are Walmart, Winco, and the Farmers Market. Also, they have positive and negative traits regardless of these supermarkets, so it is possible to separate each of them according to their own characteristics. Walmart has various products, and Winco is the cheapest supermarket in Moscow. Lastly, a Farmers Market sells fresh produce by producers. If you know the advantages and disadvantages of these supermarkets, you will choose a supermarket easier and buy some products you want. As a result, you will become a ‘wise consumer’
- Ben Fisher, “Why You Should Never Buy Fresh Produce At Walmart”. Mashed. May 19. 2021. [본문으로]
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